1.2 Themes on 1.5

2 Apr, 2005 | TipsWordpress TipsTechVfd

To upgrade any of the Viewfinder Design WordPress templates to work with version 1.3, following the steps below:

  1. In the index.php file:

    Change the line (should be around line 15)

    @import url( <?php echo get_settings('siteurl'); ?>/wp-layout.css );


    @import url( <?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?> );

  2. and change the line

    < ?php include(ABSPATH . 'wp-comments.php'); ?>


    < ?php if ($single) { comments_template(); } ?>

  3. Create a folder for the name of the theme (e.g. georgia)
  4. Put the newly amended index.php file in here
  5. Add the following to the top of the wp-layout.css file:
    Template: *1
    Theme Name: *2
    Theme URI: http://www.viewfinderdesign.co.uk/freetemplates/
    Description: *3
    Version: 1.1
    Author: Lee Penney
    Author URI: http://www.thedigeratipeninsula.org.uk/


    • *1 is the exact name of the folder you saved the index.php to (e.g. georgia), make sure the case is accurate, Georgia and georgia are not the same thing.
    • *2 A brief title so you can identify the theme (e.g. The Georgia Theme)
    • *3 A description of the theme (e.g. The Georgia theme from Viewfinder Design)
  6. Save the newly amended wp-layout.css file into the same directory as the index.php file, but, rename it style.css

Now, log in to the WordPress 1.3 dashboard (admin area) and select Presentation.

You should see your new theme listed as an option (if you don't, start over). Hit 'Select' at the end of the row to make it the active theme, you should be presented with a message that says "New theme activated".

Switch to the site to make sure all is working properly.