Ready or Not

31 Oct, 2004 | TravelTdp

The original title of this post was a little longer: Ready or Not, Here I Come. I was referencing, for any regular readers (Hi, Mum), my impending long-term visit to Holland (aka The Netherlands). I'm hoping I will be back next weekend, and probably fairly regularly, at least to start, and I'm dragging my new laptop with me as the hotel I'm in, this week at least, offers wi-fi, plus I can update through the work PCs too (one of the benefits of a web app), so I should be able to keep posting regularly, but, just in case I drop off the planet for a few days, I thought I'd warn you.

Also remember that I'm working on my NaNoWriMo novel starting tomorrow, which means I'll need to dedicate considerable time to that.